Work with scorecard files for TEST 2007
Instead of uploading the reviews one at a time, you can prepare a file
with many reviews (called a scorecard file) and then upload all
the reviews to the server at once.
As a starting point, you can
download your current scorecard file and save it into a text file.
(This file contains all the reviews that you already uploaded, and
also empty reviews for the submissions that were assigned to you but
for which you did not yet upload a review.) Then you can fill that text
file with more reviews and upload it back to the server.
a review that you upload to the server in this manner will
overwrite any review that you previously uploaded. For example,
if you uploaded a review via the web interface and then uploaded from
here a file that includes an old version of that review, then that "old
version" will overwrite the "newer version" that was uploaded before.